Monday, December 7, 2015

The Creative Cycle

In the West, seeing is believing and logic is linear. People are going places: from point A to B to C ... to point N. In the East, people are staying where they are, going around in a circle, from A to B to C back to A. 

If one sees something perfectly, they can remember it perfectly. If one remembers something perfectly, they can imagine it perfectly. So far no problem; however, in the East a circle is formed. If one imagines something perfectly, they can see it perfectly. In western logic, this is nonsense, because things imagined are not real and can not be seen.

If things are perfectly seen, remembered, imagined and seen again, nothing changes. For change to happen, there must be some imperfection in the cycle. That is no problem for me. My vision, memory and imagination are all imperfect. The imperfect circle of seeing, remembering, imagining and seeing is the creative cycle. It spins like a top. Often there are long periods of slight change from cycle to cycle. Other times, like a top that spins wildly, the creative cycle produces large changes in a few cycles.   

To make things simple, I consider the spiritual realm to be the only reality. The material realm is located in the imagination of the spirit. It started as an empty dream space. As the creative cycle spun round and round, material objects appeared and developed. It took an eternity of eternities to go from an empty space to the present material realm. 

Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Friday, November 6, 2015

The Null Dream and Time

If, in a month of Sundays, each Sunday is replaced with a week, a month of Sundays is 30 weeks or somewhat more than half a year. The same concept can be applied to an eternity. If in an eternity, each year is replaced with an eternity, the result is an eternity of eternities, a very long time but not infinite. Time is the measure of the interval between events. Time began with the first event and will end with the last event. Time actually doesn't exist, rather it is an abstraction. Only events and intervals exist.
In the material realm, clocks tick producing events, ticks, and intervals between the ticks. If one goes to sleep, becomes unconscious and does not dream, one can be said to be having a null dream. The length of a null dream can be measured as the interval of time between the start and end of no dreaming. A clock can measure the interval.
In the spiritual realm, there are no clocks. However, individuals or groups can open private dream spaces and have a dream of events, intervals and clocks to measure the intervals. The material realm is one dream space. There are countless others with an endless variety of purposes. Those not dreaming are having the null dream. There is no clock to measure the interval and there are various causes for the end event. It is like waking or being awakened from sleep. It is not possible to hide in the spiritual realm, so one may be found and awakened.
The end event of a null dream is the start of a dream or the joining of a dream in progress. Upon incarnating into the material realm, the process of growing a body and acculturation starts. By the time the process is complete, if one had any memory of null dreaming or any of the private dreams, it is submerged.  
Generally, I don't dream about time because it is not remembered. Time is an abstraction and does not exist, so it can not be remembered. However, if the reckoning  of time is part of the experience, as in the dream where I took two months to fly a bomber from Germany to England, then it is remembered. Language is also an abstraction and does not exist. In my dreams, I don't hear conversation, rather I know the content. Probably this is good, as language from past Earth cycles would likely be so different as to be unintelligible.
My dreams are not events separated by intervals, rather they are continuous, as is my past life memory. There is no feeling of a long or short time. If a dream is about bubble people, then I know it is from an early Earth cycle. If things are similar to the present, then the dream is from a recent cycle. Probably the time span is many eternities.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Material Dream

The dimensions of the material realm are of time, empty space, mass and energy. Science defines matter as something that has mass and occupies space. The dimensions of the spiritual realm are of the emotions, personality and such. If the spiritual realm could be located, it would all fit on the point of a needle. The spiritual realm is not located in the material realm, rather the reverse is true.
Where in the brain is the imagination located? Just as the material realm is located in a dream space of the spirit, the human body is located in a dream space of of the spirit occupying the body. These dream spaces are created by the imagination. The eyes are thought of as sensors but they actually operate as a projector. The imagination forms an image in the brain, say of a table. The eyes project the image into the imagined space. This is all a collective effort of the billions of spirits participating in the dream of the material realm. So the table look real, as does the rest of the imagined setting: a restaurant, other tables with people, a table cloth, etc.
The other senses, touch, smell, hearing, voice, are also extenders. The spirit imagines the table is solid while the tablecloth has texture. Extending the hand and touching the table extends these feelings to the material object. It took a long time to develop the coordination and conventions needed to make this possible. By participating in the material dream, we agree to these conventions; otherwise for example, some people could walk through walls and we would not all see colors the same way. Well some people do not see colors. I wonder what that means.
For the creative cycle to work, it has to be imperfect; however, there also has to be a bias. If the cycle were perfectly random, then regressive changes would cancel progressive changes. On the average, there would be no change. Obviously, a great deal of progress has been made, so there must be a bias to progress. Unfortunately, there seems also to be a perverse bias. My observation is that in spite of our ability to learn to do better, things continue to get worse.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

See the Future in Dreams?

The material realm is not deterministic. Only the past is known. The present life is remembered in the physical brain, past lives are in the spirit and the Akashic Record is the collective spirit's memory of some of the Earth cycles. As part of the death process, memory is uploaded from the physical brain to the spirit; whereupon, it also becomes part of the Akashic Record.
Psychics reading the Akashic Record make errors, because they don't know about Earth cycles. A story will illustrate.
A reporter, wishing for a break, is writing a book about the latest secrets leaker. She hires three psychics to predict what will happen to the leaker. The psychics each decide to consult the Akashic Record; however, they are unaware the Record is not complete for this Earth cycle and does not show the future. Since they are not aware of Earth cycles, they believe there is only one record. The last several Earth cycles have been similar enough to have one or more leakers.
Each psychic becomes aware of the leaker story, then finds a vision of the Record containing a similar story. The first psychic finds a leaker story in the record of a past Earth cycle, then looks forward into what he thinks is the future but is actually the past, and sees the CIA poisoned the leaker. The second psychic goes through the same process with the record of a different Earth cycle and found the leaker was given asylum, married and lived happily ever after. The third, in yet another past Earth cycle, found the leaker was renditioned and died in prison.
Our reporter paid for what amounts to the conventional wisdom: big government has troubles with leakers and various things can happen to the leakers. The conventional wisdom is what we have learned from our collective past; however, it is an indication. Sometimes the unconventional happens and other times we apply the wrong wisdom.
Dreams, intuition and imagination come from our past life memory. As with the Akashic Record, we can get an indication of the future, but our future will almost certainly be a little, possibly a lot different from our past. Finally, nothing is predetermined. We can try to make our future the way we want it to be. However, we cannot avoid our bad karma; only escape it.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Time, Movies and Recursive Dreams

This is 2013 because a Jesus came along and someone reset the calendar to zero; otherwise, it would be like 7013. The calendar didn't always have 12 months named after Caesars. The Earth's rotation and orbit have been different, and at times, Earth had more than one moon and simultaneously revolved around more than one sun.  Past Earth cycles have had unusual measures for days, weeks, months and years. My dreams have presented strange calendars and weird clocks.
One dream did have an intelligible calendar. It was World War II in a recent Earth cycle and I was piloting a bomber over Germany. There was an explosion, the lights went out, the controls went dead and the plane went into a steep dive. In reality the plane crashed, exploded and we all died. However, somehow  we opened up our own private dream space. In that dream, I pulled the plane out of the dive, the lights came on and the controls stiffened. I flew the plane back to England and landed. Since we still had a load of ordnance, I taxied to a pad reserved for such aircraft, shut it down and we all got off to wait for transportation. The fog was so thick, we could hardly see each other. Everyone was congratulating me for the great job. I was wondering how I landed in the dense fog. When transportation didn’t show up, we walked to the ready room.
As we went in, the dog recognized us and began barking and wagging his tail. There was no one there but the charge of quarters. Eventually, he looked up to see what dog was barking at, said nothing and went back to reading. We put down out gear. Some of the crew were looking at the honor board, which contained the names of the killed, wounded and missing. I went to a counter to finish my log. One said look here, we are all on the honor board as missing, presumed dead. There was quite a stir. Then I called everyone to look at the calendar.  It showed November with the first 17 days crossed out. I said we left on September 15. We all sat down. Finally someone said what we were all thinking. We are all dead. Someone asked me what we were supposed to do now. I said I didn’t know. That was not covered in training.
Possibly you are thinking: this dream was a story on TV or radio. I wondered about that too. One explanation of dreams is they are of things seen on TV or the movies. The reverse is more likely. In the past several Earth cycles, there has been a WWII very similar to the one in this cycle. Several hundred people have had a similar experience and  one of them conjured up the story from his past life memory.
This dream illustrates recursive dreaming, a dream about a dream. In the past life being dreamed about in this life, most of the action took place after I was dead. The spirit remembers everything that happens to us. My chase dreams are another example. In these dreams, people who hate me and want revenge, chase me through the endless spiritual realm. I can feel the fear and dread of what will happen if they catch me. In the spiritual realm, nothing can be hidden, except from yourself. That is not true in the material realm.  Eventually, I escape by incarnating into another life on Earth where I can hide. Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Nightmares, X Rated and Other Dreams

Generally speaking, a new life starts out where the last life ended. My last life ended in a fiery plane crash. In this life, I had nightmares about this until I was seven; however, not all my dreams end well. Possibly because my dreams are lucid, I wake up as a dream is turning bad. My intuition and imagination finish the dream. At times this is simple. In a dream, my parachute failed to open, I woke up and knew what happened. In other dreams I'm a terrorist. Those often turn bad quickly, so I can mull over them more when I wake up.  
My dreams are very rarely x rated or involve sex. In this subject, my past life experiences are unfortunate, so I don't dream about them.
For the most part, my dreaming is stimulated by present real events, like something from the radio news. I don't have TV, so I can't see, for example, a program about the Stone Age, which might stimulate a Stone Man dream. In my dreams, I'm always White, American and the Industrial Age or later is the setting.
For most people, most of the time, life on Earth has been bleak, miserable, violent and short. That is a reason why reincarnation is not popular. No one wants to remember the bad old days.
The material realm is the grossification of the spiritual realm. That means we can learn what the spiritual realm is like by observing the material realm. I have the light weight, air and space body type. That means weak and so my spirit is also weak and small. I am able to incarnate as male or female. Early on, I tried both. As a female, I was pressed into prostitution or captured and became a sex slave. As a male, I was pressed into an army or captured and became a slave. Either way, I only lived long enough to die young. Obviously, I don't dream about any of that.
My intuition indicate I have been Yellow Chinese and Brown Hindu, but never Black or Red. Over many Earth cycles, warfare developed to include logistics and finance. With my brains, I got into those. The White people had not yet appeared. My long association with domestic animals began, especially dogs, which guarded supplies, gold and the elite. Well, war is hell, even in logistic, so I don't dream about this period either. I do have dreams with animals from later.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Musical Dreams

At times music is a dream topic and a few times I have heard music and songs. However, more often my intuition and imagination reminds me of my musical past while I am listening to the radio or a CD. Following is a song from a dream:
Down the road to Natchez County. Down the road to Natchez County. Down the road to Natchez County. Accompanied by country guitar.  
Safe and secure we go. Safe and secure we go. Safe and secure we go. Accompanied by rock guitar.  
An experimental song representative of the way music and other art starts. Over many Earth cycles a song develops as artist remember it refine and add. Then it declines as artist don't remember it well.
Some songs I hear in this life, for example Pancho & Lefty by Townes Van Zandt, were in some past life of mine, an epic song and movie/stage play. They had more verses and other songs were part of the epic. The artist who sang these songs over and over,  remember them in future lives and write them out again. I just listen to music so I don't have many musical dreams.
My imagination provides a better view. Music consist of sound waves in the atmosphere. In earlier past Earth cycles the atmosphere has been very different. The result was different sounding music. In a dream I saw someone with three arms and hands playing a v-shaped guitar. This was a very early Earth cycle, when we were still experimenting with the shape of the human body. Finally, instruments have been different for a variety of reasons.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Lucid Dreams

My dreams are almost always lucid, semi lucid or something that resembles lucid.
In a lucid dream, you are aware you are dreaming. You sees yourself like viewing a movie, also you are supposed to be able to control the dream. Following is an example of what I call semi lucid:
I dreamed of going to the next town from my home in Texas. Being conscious I was dreaming, I knew the way in this life was to go up the road and take a right onto highway 80. The terrain was flat and mostly roads ran east-west or north-south. In the dream, I went up the road and took a right onto a two lane country road heading north of due west. The terrain was rolling and the road kept bearing more northerly. I came into a town and pulled into a junk yard. There was a shack in the center and a man and woman were talking by it...vivid detail omitted.
I was determined to get to the next town in this life and came up with a map to get directions. I talked to the people but they did not look at the map or offer directions. I could not influence the dream...vivid detail omitted. I drove into the town. The tall buildings formed a canyon. There were no doors or windows, no people or cars...vivid detail omitted. I turned around and went home.
In mulling over this dream, my intuition and imagination provided a long view. In this life, media reports had been discussing how terrorist were changing communications methods. In the dream, I was a terrorist, the town was a secret military post, the people by the shack were spies planning an attack on the post, and I had driven over for a discussion, because it was not secure to use the phone. The dream, intuition and imagination were very detailed and vivid. Combined, they could be a full length spy thriller. It is easy for me to see how past life memories are the basis of creative writing.
Lucid like dreams may come up later.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Geography Dreams

Have you had a dream where you saw a map or were in a familiar place but the geography was strange? In this life and several past lives, I have been a military logistician. Maps are very important, so I have seen many. Following are example of how the Earth looked in some past cycles:
Sometime ago I was studying a new atlas, particularly the world views. This prompted a series of startling dreams. One was a satellite lights-at-night view. There were the dense lights of America and Europe and a few strings of light between. The Atlantic Ocean was a sparsely populated marsh with highways/railways joining America and Europe.
In another, the Mediterranean Sea was intermittent. England extended down the cost of Europe and joined the top of Africa so the English Channel fed the Mediterranean. Earth had several moons orbiting to produced one high and low tide. At high tide, the Mediterranean was a couple feet deep; dry at low tide.
Then there were the endless configurations of the Gulf of Mexico. Once the Gulf extended up to what is now the Great Salt Lake. El Paso was a deep water port. Another Earth cycle, the Gulf extended up to Tulsa, where the Mississippi entered the Gulf. Tulsa was the New Orleans for that cycle.
One does not have to see a map to know the geography. Dreams, intuition and imagination come from the same past life memory. A dream is only a snippet. Memory contains the whole life. Mulling over a dream can allow intuition and imagination to present the long view.
My son and his girlfriend came to visit. I recognized his girlfriend from a past life. In a few nights a dream came. We were on the crew of a large speed boat. She was an emergency medical technician. We were going around the ocean and islands picking up people who had been washed out to sea by a tsunami. End of dream.
Subsequent mulling revealed that for this past cycle, Earth was hot so there were no polar ice caps. For that and other reasons, oceans were high and land area was small. Earthquakes and tsunamis were frequent. In the dream, I saw islanders had their houses on flat bottom boats moored on land. Reporting of the Indian Ocean tsunami in this Earth cycle explained my dream. For an island, a tsunami does not create a tidal wave, rather it raises the sea level so the island is submerged, then the water recedes. House boats tethered to an island would rise with the water and settle back in place as the water receded.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Color Dreams

Dreams in Technicolor,  if you please or black and white,  if you don't please.
For the most part my dreams are in black and white, but I'm not sure. In this life color is not important. I don't notice. Maybe my dreams are all in color and I just don't notice.
Sometimes the colors are so intense I notice. Also the colors developed in depth, intensity and spectrum over many Earth cycles. Dreams from very early cycles have a few light pastel colors for man made things; however, the Earth was more advanced than the gods so natural things had colors typical of today. Blue buildings would all be the same light pastel blue; while natural things had the full spectrum.
Fortunately, the gods and Earth spirit did not share the same creative space. Well developed wild animals could roam through flimsy human villages, but there was no interaction. They were in two worlds that overlay each other.
In one dream, the bubble people had arms and hands, legs and feet and a head, but not a substantive skin. The buildings were made of pastel colored paper without substance. There were no doors or windows. Light filtered in and the people filtered through the walls. Outside, people could walk or float in a breeze.
There are two essential oils available as possible dream aids: Nutmeg for colorful, intense dreams and Opoponax to bring back past life memories. The first time I used Nutmeg, I had a very colorful dream of food. In several dreams, I am getting a meal in a student union cafeteria. Some of the food is colorful, especially the fruit and vegetables. With the Nutmeg, the colors were much brighter and deeper. But this only happened a few time. My remembrances are not colorful and nothing will make them so.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Dream Name

Before I knew about Earth cycles, I had a dream in which my family in this life was also a family in a past life; however, the arrangement was different. My son and wife in this life were husband and wife and I was their unnatural son. Their names were Dennis Wayne and Joan Dapremont. My name wasn't provided. In the dream, the name was pronounced: Dep-pre-mint. Dennis Wayne was the electrical engineer for the El Paso Rail Car Company.
Joan was pregnant and delivered early while Dennis Wayne was away on business. The hospital was a large converted house. Joan's baby died shortly after birth. At the same time, another woman gave birth to a healthy boy, which she could not keep. With the consent of both moms, the babies were exchanged. Joan never got around to telling her husband and I didn't turn out like a Dapremont. As a teen, an angry mob chased me out of town. End of dream.
There had been another dream in which I died in a fiery training accident early in WWII. This suggested the first dream period started about 1920. I reasoned a rail car company was a trolley and, after some research, came up with the name spelling from Dap-pre-mint. With this, I searched for some record of my past life. Dapremont is an unusual name. There was only one cluster in Mobile, but no Dennis, no Wayne, no Jr or III, and no electrical engineer. Nothing about the El Paso Rail Car Company. In WWII, the Army kept detailed records about each soldier and the records had been stored after the war. I found that most of the records had been destroyed in a fire.
After I learned about Earth cycles, a geography dream explained things. For a cycle, the Gulf of Mexico extended up to where the Great Salt Lake is today. El Paso was a port city. It also explains the pronunciation of Dapremont. In this life, I was raised in Texas and my wife's name was Roberta. When we visited in Texas, the natives had a tough time with her name. You would have thought they never heard the name Roberta. It was pronounced: Row-bert-ta like they were sounding it out for the first time.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont