The material realm is not deterministic. Only the past is known. The present life is remembered in the physical brain, past lives are in the spirit and the Akashic Record is the collective spirit's memory of some of the Earth cycles. As part of the death process, memory is uploaded from the physical brain to the spirit; whereupon, it also becomes part of the Akashic Record.
Psychics reading the Akashic Record make errors, because they don't know about Earth cycles. A story will illustrate.
A reporter, wishing for a break, is writing a book about the latest secrets leaker. She hires three psychics to predict what will happen to the leaker. The psychics each decide to consult the Akashic Record; however, they are unaware the Record is not complete for this Earth cycle and does not show the future. Since they are not aware of Earth cycles, they believe there is only one record. The last several Earth cycles have been similar enough to have one or more leakers.
Each psychic becomes aware of the leaker story, then finds a vision of the Record containing a similar story. The first psychic finds a leaker story in the record of a past Earth cycle, then looks forward into what he thinks is the future but is actually the past, and sees the CIA poisoned the leaker. The second psychic goes through the same process with the record of a different Earth cycle and found the leaker was given asylum, married and lived happily ever after. The third, in yet another past Earth cycle, found the leaker was renditioned and died in prison.
Our reporter paid for what amounts to the conventional wisdom: big government has troubles with leakers and various things can happen to the leakers. The conventional wisdom is what we have learned from our collective past; however, it is an indication. Sometimes the unconventional happens and other times we apply the wrong wisdom.
Dreams, intuition and imagination come from our past life memory. As with the Akashic Record, we can get an indication of the future, but our future will almost certainly be a little, possibly a lot different from our past. Finally, nothing is predetermined. We can try to make our future the way we want it to be. However, we cannot avoid our bad karma; only escape it.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont