The Earth is a living creature with a spirit. Periodically the material Earth dies and the Earth Spirit is released to rest. Eventually, the Earth Spirit somehow conjures up a new material Earth to incarnate into and a new Earth cycle begins. There have been thousands of Earth cycles. The last several hundred have been mostly evolutionary, with the most recent being very similar.
In this life, I was born before the jet aircraft was invented; however, I have had numerous dreams where I was piloting a jet. These dreams were from past lives during past Earth cycles.
Some people have come to be specialist, only incarnating during a particular age. For example, techies come back only for the high tech age; whereas, stoners come for the Stone Age. Some are generalist, like farmers, who can come for many ages. Others come back for events, like the generals and admirals who come back to fight WWII over and over again.
As a young man in this life, I worked in an aircraft factory. Before I knew about Earth cycles, I had occasional dreams of working in an aircraft factory, but a different one. I had read that dreams could foretell the future and I wondered if there was still time to start a new job in aircraft. Now I know these are past life dreams from a past Earth cycle. In a way, dreams can give an indication of the future. In a future life, I'll likely be in aircraft again. I may have also learned a lesson. In several dreams, I died young flying aircraft. Building aircraft never hurt me a bit.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont
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