Sunday, May 1, 2016

Earth Cycles and Dreams

The Earth is a living creature with a spirit. Periodically the material Earth dies and the Earth Spirit is released to rest. Eventually, the Earth Spirit somehow conjures up a new material Earth to incarnate into and a new Earth cycle begins. There have been thousands of Earth cycles. The last several hundred have been mostly evolutionary, with the most recent being very similar.

In this life, I was born before the jet aircraft was invented; however, I have had numerous dreams where I was piloting a jet. These dreams were from past lives during past Earth cycles.

Some people have come to be specialist, only incarnating during a particular age. For example, techies come back only for the high tech age; whereas, stoners come for the Stone Age. Some are generalist, like farmers, who can come for many ages. Others come back for events, like the generals and admirals who come back to fight WWII over and over again.

As a young man in this life, I worked in an aircraft factory. Before I knew about Earth cycles, I had occasional dreams of working in an aircraft factory, but a different one. I had read that dreams could foretell the future and I wondered if there was still time to start a new job in aircraft. Now I know these are past life dreams from a past Earth cycle. In a way, dreams can give an indication of the future. In a future life, I'll likely be in aircraft again. I may have also learned a lesson. In several dreams, I died young flying aircraft. Building aircraft never hurt me a bit.

Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

A Wide View of Dreamers

Rather than being a long view of reincarnation and past life dreams, this is a wide view of dreamers. By my observation, there are at least two types of people on Earth: those with a spirit and those without. Experts and purists can debate the merits of my observations. The type without a spirit go around only once. The other type can have many life times. The appearance of people without a spirit is a recent phenomenon. The god of the White people and one of the gods of the Yellow people have created this type. There may be others. Why a god would change modes is a topic for later. Because America is and has been largely a  White  nation, those without a  spirit are the predominant type.  As a result, reincarnation is not a popular belief; whereas, in a nation like India, where the people mostly have a spirit, it is.

This situation leads to several life views. In America, the few with a spirit are laying up treasures in heaven. Those without a spirit, who believe in a physical resurrection, are working for that, while those, who don’t, are laying up treasures on Earth. In India people enter the cycle of life and death at the base level and obtain their release many lifetimes later when they achieve the highest level.
From this dichotomy, a truth table can be constructed. Of those who have a spirit, there are those who correctly know they do and those who incorrectly believe they don’t. Similarly for those without a spirit, some correctly know they don’t, while others incorrectly believe they have a spirit. One can only know something that is true. False things don’t exist and can only be believed in.
A person must determine which type they are; however, there may be good reasons for tending toward an error. One of the more important reasons is, if one has a spirit and has had many past lives, their spirit remembers what they have been doing. Possibly they have been doing bad things and don’t want to remember. Someone else said: there is no such thing as good karma. This reflects the situation that we learn to be good by doing bad. If you discover that you have a lot of bad karma, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. It is most helpful to recognize the truth in order to do something about the present and future.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont

Monday, February 1, 2016

Beginning of the Dream

Someone else said there was no Roman numeral for zero. The Arabs and some Eastern cultures invented zero. I'm no expert, but it seem Westerners have some difficulty with the existence of nothing. In science, cold is the absence of heat and darkness is the absence of light. I don't think science has anything for the absence of space. The cold, black void represents nothing. That is only three dimensions: no heat, no light, no space. One can add many other zero items, such as no mass. The idea is: at some point only nothing existed. Even if other things exist, nothing also exist. Nothing is the only thing that always exist. 

Reification is the process of making an abstraction real. "Time marches on" expresses the idea that time is real. In fact, only events and intervals between events exist. The law of gravity did not cause the apple to fall on Newton's head, rather the Earth's gravity caused the apple to fall. The gods did not write the book of natural laws and then construct the material realm to obey the laws.. The material realm fell into place naturally. Humans, after the fact, discovered the laws. 

One of the natural laws says entropy is always increasing. Entropy is a measure of disorder. Something with perfect order has zero entropy. Any degree of disorder results in a positive entropy. The cold, black void is perfectly ordered with zero entropy. The law allows a prediction of a natural occurrence that will increase the entropy.

Out of the cold, black void came two equal and opposite things. Then there was some disorder and entropy increased. The two things were positive and negative spirit. Since the spiritual and material realms have mostly mutually exclusive dimensions and the spirits were unformed, almost nothing came out of nothing. Call this the boom. Opposites attract, so the two spirits were pulled together. Call this the bust. If they canceled each other, entropy would return to zero. However, as with the creative cycle, the boom and bust cycle is imperfect and biased. The two spirits were not equal and they hit with enough force that only part of each was canceled. The remaining pieces recoiled. As a result there were still two things, so entropy remained the same. 

The story has been somewhat grossified, because I don't know any other way to tell it. Spirits are not solid material objects that can collide and recoil. They did the spiritual equivalent.

To be continued. 

Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Beginning of the Dream Two

Part one left off at the end of the first boom and bust cycle. The two approximately equal but opposite spirits had attracted each other and done the spiritual equivalent of collide and partially cancel each other, with the remaining spirits recoiling to a distance where they would no longer attract each other. This resulted in entropy remaining unchanged.
Boom and bust cycles continued with similar results. Each cycle produced two new approximately equal but opposite spirits. The spirits varied in the spiritual equivalent of size; although since they had not developed emotional and personality features, they were unaware.
As the cycles continued, it became apparent there was a bias. One type of spirit was accumulating more than the other. Unless the bias changed, it would not be possible to return to nothing by the two opposites canceling each other. This would result in a decrease in entropy and violate the law that entropy is always increasing. Natural laws were developed from the part of the material realm that has been observed. The laws may be different in other parts of the material realm. In the spiritual realm the laws may be different or not apply at all. I just don't know.
Over a period of many cycles, the spirits became aware of themselves, each other and their attributes. This allowed the spirits to interact. They could combine, divide and engage each other in personal and emotional relations. My observation is the awareness developed out of the imperfect and biased nature of the relations, which were very simple to start. Also the spirits differed in size, so relations were unbalanced.   
Eventually as the spiritual realm matured, some spirits tired of the endless intrigue and began to wonder about other things. This led to some opening individual and group dream spaces and starting creative cycles. The fundamental spirit capabilities to combine, divide and relate extended into the dream space realm. One combination is the material realm.
Copyright 2013 Dennis Wayne Dapremont